ToF/CIS and Lidar Market Updates


  1. ToF/CIS

Android-camp handset vendors including Samsung Electronics are expected to follow in the footsteps of Apple in incorporating direct time-of-flight (dToF) CMOS image sensors (CIS) into their new models in 2021–2022, and Taiwan’s III-V semiconductor players including GaAs foundries Win Semiconductors and Advanced Wireless Semiconductor and epi wafer supplier Visual Photonics Epitaxy are poised to enjoy shipment pull-ins for VCSEL chips as light source for the dToF CIS devices in 2H21 at the earliest, according to Digitimes. ( Digitimes, press)

  1. Lidar

Common light sources for lidar include 3 types: edge-emitting lasers, vertical surface-emitting lasers, and fiber lasers. The factors that need to be considered comprehensively when selecting a light source include: 1. Eye protection, 2. Detection distance, and 3. Comprehensive cost. ( Huatai Securities report)

According to Frost & Sullivan’s prediction, the global lidar market will reach USD13.54B by 2025, with a compound growth rate of 64.65% from 2020 to 2025. In terms of market segmentation, in the Robotaxi / Robotruck field, with its commercialization, lidar with high-precision surveying and mapping capabilities is expected to usher in a rapid upswing period. Frost & Sullivan predicts that the global market size is expected to reach USD3.5B in 2025. The compound growth rate from 2020 to 2025 is 80.89%. ( Huatai Securities report)

Originally published at on January 4, 2021.

