Auto: Wise Drive and ADS

What is WISE Drive?

WISE Drive is a framework for analyzing and specifying driving behavior requirements on ADS-operated vehicles. Other uses include

  • creation of simulation, closed-course, and field test scenarios for development and certification;
  • specification of the operational design domain (ODD) for an ADS; and
  • labeling and analysis of driving data.

We use WISE Drive to specify the driving behavior and assure the safety of Autonomoose — our automated driving software stack, and for its public road testing on the UW Moose.

What are the key elements of WISE Drive?

Driving behavior requirements are constraints on the driving behavior of the ADS-operated vehicle within the road environment.

WISE Drive provides concepts and methods to analyze and specify

  • the Dynamic Driving Task (DDT),
  • the road environment, and
  • driving qualities.


